My name is David and I have exciting news!

Sunday, September 10, 2023, we launched a new church in Remington  Va. This was the genesis of New Beginnings Outreach Center.  In June 2024 we relocated to downtown Culpeper to minister directly to the homeless and hungry.

Our message is short, simple, and to the point- of the 23 minute sermon.

 The average attention span (especially in this technologically advanced age) is 23 minutes. For some it is less.

Our mission statement is very elementary. In truth, it was birthed from my own experience of the last 35 years. 

If you have been hurt in a church-this is your place for healing. 

If your current situation or lifestyle has been rejected by religion or religious people, this is your safe place.

One of my mentors and spiritual advisors made a statement over thirty years ago that I have never forgotten: "One of the greatest enemies God has ever had on earth has been religion." Another said, "Religion is hanging around the cross. Christianity is getting on the cross."

I was a full time minister for 24 years. I pastored a small church in South Carolina for seven years and travelled extensively in evangelistic work across seventeen states 50 weeks a year from Maine to Florida to Washington State as well as Ghana, India, Cuba, and China.

I stood in places that had never heard the name of Jesus and never laid eyes on a white man. I saw with my own eyes the deaf hear, blind see, and lame walk. I witnessed things that I had only read about in the Bible. 

Then in November of 2003, I made some really unfortunate choices. As a direct result, I faced the end of my 26-year marriage and eventually my relationship with my children was in jeopardy. I take full responsibility for my mistakes and begged forgiveness. I still do, unable to change a dark past. 

I  was devastated beyond imagination.I devastated my family beyond imagination. 

There were very good people and very supportive friends, however at the same time, some were not. My faith was almost destroyed completely. I was  out of church for many years. I cannot even tell you how long . I heard these words most of my life, but never dreamed they would come out of my own mouth: "If this is Christianity, I want nothing to do with it."

I have never been either atheist or agnostic--but I was almost driven to suicide. More than once. I was reaping a terrible harvest of bad seed sown.

On a personal note, I am a very conservative person. However, no matter your personal lifestyle or individual choices, I will do everything in my power to help you, build you up, encourage you, and strengthen you.

Our message is simple, practical, helpful in daily life, and hopeful for daily living. I hope it gives you strength to endure the stresses and strains of your daily struggles.

Our music will be an eclectic mixture of contemporary and traditional hymns (15-20 minutes). Our dress is casual.

The hope is that when you leave, you will be equipped to face the week ahead with optimism and courage. Seriously--not even kidding--23 minute message.

More details to come. See you  Sunday September 8 , 2024!






       118 North East St. 


       Culpeper Va 22701



  Parking at Cameron